February 21, 2024

Atomizing Content with AI Across All Channels

Hey, what's up? This is David DeVore with MeshMesh. And this is the What If We Could Show, where every week we ask, well, what if we could? We unpack deep problems in AI and autonomous innovation. With me are Bob Ulry and Kevin Neust, partners at MeshMesh. Today, we're discussing content atomization. The transformation of a single content piece into multiple forms, media channels, and personas. We'll explore AI's expanding role in this.

Some 10 years ago, I got interested in content atomization. I was following Jay Baer, a prominent social media consultant. He'd record a three-minute video daily, which his team would expand into various content forms. For solo entrepreneurs like me, seeing effective content expansion was insightful. Content is king, but creating it is often a bottleneck due to brand integrity and resource constraints. Back then, without AI tools like LLMs and stable diffusion integrations, content creation was a manual process involving designers, copywriters, video editors, and more.

Today, AI can eliminate many manual processes in content creation. At MeshMesh, we've explored this to enrich our own content strategy across diverse channels. High-quality, personalized content is key, and realizing it through AI could benefit not only us but countless others.

This concept has evolved over time, now referred to as 'atomic content.' It's more efficient than crafting every piece of content from scratch, though not without its challenges. We still face hurdles and need innovative tools to navigate this space.

Let's hear from Bob about the evolution of content atomization and the idea of atomic content and the good, bad, and ugly we've encountered along the way.

Thanks for watching!

The full conversation continues to unravel the complexities, including

Content atomization is impacting everything from top-down brand messages to one-on-one customer interactions. It's about efficiently delivering brand-aligned messages across all touchpoints, from marketing campaigns to individual replies. AI has a central role in creating varied and personalized content on scale.

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